

Next.js vs. Create React App: Which One Should You Choose ?


A Comprehensive Comparison to Help You Decide the Best Tool for Your React Project

What is Create React App?

Create React App (CRA) is a boilerplate tool for quickly setting up a new React project with a standard configuration. Developed and maintained by Facebook, CRA aims to simplify the initial setup process and provide a development environment that includes:

  • Zero configuration
  • A standard project structure
  • Hot reloading during development
  • Built-in support for modern JavaScript features and CSS
  • A single-page application (SPA) focus

What is Next.js?

Next.js is a React framework developed by Vercel that provides additional features and optimizations out-of-the-box. It is designed to enhance the developer experience and improve application performance. Key features of Next.js include:

Key Differences

Project Setup

Create React App: Offers a quick and easy setup with a standard project structure. It is ideal for developers who want to start coding immediately without worrying about configuration.

Next.js: Also offers an easy setup but includes additional boilerplate for server-side rendering and static site generation.

Rendering Methods

  • Create React App: Supports client-side rendering (CSR) only. All the rendering happens on the client side, making it suitable for SPAs.
  • Next.js: Supports multiple rendering methods:
    • Client-side rendering (CSR)
    • Server-side rendering (SSR)
    • Static site generation (SSG)
    • Incremental static regeneration (ISR)


  • Create React App: Uses React Router or any other third-party routing library. You need to manually configure routes in your application.
  • Next.js: Comes with a built-in file-based routing system. Simply create files and directories in the pages directory, and Next.js automatically handles the routing

Performance and SEO

  • Create React App: Since it only supports CSR, performance and SEO might be less optimal compared to server-side rendering. All content is rendered on the client side, which can impact the initial load time and SEO.

Next.js: Offers SSR and SSG, which can significantly improve performance and SEO. By pre-rendering pages on the server or at build time, you ensure faster initial load times and better search engine indexing

API Routes

  • Create React App: Does not include built-in support for API routes. You need to set up a separate backend server or use services like Firebase or AWS.
  • Next.js: Provides built-in API routes, allowing you to create serverless functions within the pages/api directory. This feature simplifies the development process and reduces the need for a separate backend

Customization and Configuration

  • Create React App: Provides a zero-configuration setup, but customization is limited unless you eject the configuration, which can complicate the development process.
  • Next.js: Offers more flexibility and customization options without the need to eject. You can easily configure Babel, Webpack, and other settings.

When to Choose Create React App

  • Simple SPA: If you are building a straightforward single-page application without complex requirements, CRA is an excellent choice.
  • Quick Prototyping: Ideal for quick prototyping and proof-of-concept projects where you need to get up and running fast.
  • Learning React: Perfect for beginners learning React, as it provides a standard project structure and development environment

When to Choose Next.js

  • Performance and SEO: If your application requires excellent performance and SEO, Next.js's SSR and SSG capabilities are invaluable.
  • Content-Rich Sites: Ideal for content-heavy websites like blogs, e-commerce sites, and marketing pages where pre-rendering and fast initial load times are crucial.
  • Full-Stack Development: If you need to handle both frontend and backend logic within the same project, Next.js's API routes simplify the development process.
  • Complex Applications: Suitable for complex applications that benefit from advanced features like file-based routing, serverless functions, and incremental static regeneration.


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